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Library Instruction: Why Instruction?

The Problem

Any of this sound familiar?

  • Assignments with blatant plagiarism
  • Students citing Wikipedia and other inappropriate web sources
  • Having to define peer-reviewed journal articles one too many times
  • Spending too much time in class and office hours showing students how to do research

The Solution

Library's Solution: Instruction

The goal of the Library Instruction Program is to foster information literacy as an integral part of the University’s commitment to scholarship.

We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with faculty to provide library instruction sessions tailored to meet specific course objectives and assignments. E&H Libraries strive to offer instruction designed to provide the students, faculty, and staff of Emory & Henry with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information both for academic success and in support of lifelong learning.

Library Instruction:

  • Librarians teach your students how to do the research for your assignment and will tailor lesson plans to individual class needs
  • Librarians request at least 2 weeks notice to plan an effective and engaging library instruction session
  • Instructors are strongly encouraged to attend sessions along with their students 
    • You reinforce what students are learning and are available to answer questions about the research assignment
    • Builds a connection between what happens in the library and the classroom
    • You know what you students have had the opportunity to learn
  • ​Library Instruction Sessions focus on:
    • Course-specific needs
    • Information literacy
    • Using library resources

How to make the most of your Library Instruction Session:

  • Students should have an assignment requiring information resource use prior to the library instruction session in order for them to receive the full benefit of the session
  • Professors should share syllabi and assignments with the librarian
  • If scheduled too early, students will not retain what they have learned
  • If scheduled too late, students will not have acquired the skills they need to successfully complete an assignment
  • A helpful rule of thumb may be to schedule a library session two weeks to 10 days before a specific assignment is due

Instruction Request

Course Reserve Request

Course Reserves

Are there materials that you own or the library has that most or all of your students need to use for your course? Consider placing them on Reserve. This will ensure that everyone in the class can use the material(s) and helps the library keep track of the items.

Purchase Request

Request Items for Library Purchase

If you know of specific items that students will need for your course and the library doesn't have them, please make a purchase request as soon as possible. If you're working on a new course or revamping an existing one, contact us so we can be on the lookout for good resources to add to our collections that support your course.