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Database Searching - Health: Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

Guide for Database Searching for the Health Sciences

Break the question down

If my question is:  How has the Covid19 pandemic affected the mental health of senior citizens in the US?

I will use the ProPheT method of breaking this question apart

  • Problem - Senior citizens in the US
  • Phenomenon of interest - Mental health
  • Time - During the Covid 19 pandemic

Inclusion/Exclusion criteria

Determining inclusion/exclusion criteria:

  • Senior citizens in the US
    • Inclusion
      • Adults 65 and over
        • Do you want an upper age limit?
      • In the US
        • Do you want just the 50 states?
        • Should you include territories?
    • Exclusion
      • Adults under 65
      • Outside of the US
  • Mental health
    • Inclusion
      • Anxiety
      • Depression
      • Stress
      • Loneliness
    • Exclusion
      • Physical health
      • Articles that do not break out specific mental health topics
  • Covid 19 pandemic
    • Inclusion
      • Articles starting in December, 2019
      • Must mention Covid 19
    • Exclusion
      • Articles prior to December 2019
      • Articles related to other outbreaks
        • SARS
        • MERS
  • General
    • Inclusion
      • English Language
      • Other Languages?
    • Exclusion
      • Commentaries or Editorials
      • Protocols