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I recommend you read these recommendations #2

by Artemis Vex on 2021-11-23T16:02:49-05:00 | 0 Comments

For the main campus at Emory & Henry College the Fall Semester is finally over! We have made it to Thanksgiving week and as we head to our homes and our families and friends for a little bit of rest and relaxation, we might soon find ourselves looking to read a new book or start watching a new show but...

What to watch? 


What to read? Is there anything good to listen to?


Below you will find a few more fun recommendations from the Kelly Library staff:


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Twin Peaks (TV Series)

What made you like it?

 It’s a wonderful small-town mystery following the big Q: who killed Laura Palmer? Murder, coffee, pie, and the supernatural are some of the fun things to find in the town of Twin Peaks.

Why recommend it?

I really like shows like The X-Files, and Twin Peaks is right up there alongside it in terms of cult followings. It has a great plot and an even better cast. 


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The Dragon Prince (Netflix Series)

 A Netflix animated series that follows two half-brother princes and their elven friend as they take care of an infant dragon and try to end a thousand-year-old conflict between humans and elves.

How did you find it?

It was recommended by another library staff member (who has excellent taste in animated shows). 

What made you like it?

It mixes drama, action, and humor, and can be enjoyed by kids and adults.

Why recommend it?

It's a great story and does an excellent job of including diverse characters.


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Aggretsuko (Netflix Series)

This Netflix animated cartoon follows the daily life of Retsuko (a Red Panda) who is awkward, shy, and quiet during the day, but once she leaves work heads to the karaoke bar to sing Death Metal.

How did you find it?

A friend recommended it.

What made you like it?

There are varying styles of humor, from the dry and morbid to the nonsensical. Each episode is also short, about 15 minutes in length, so it is not a huge investment as other shows can be.  

Why recommend it?

I was sold when my friend told me this show was about a metal singing/screaming red panda, but it is full of great humor as well. Also, it's relatable and a new season is coming out soon!


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The X-Files (TV Series)

Special agents Fox Mulder, a believer, Dana Scully, a skeptic, investigate the FBI's strangest cases. Mulder is always advocating for a supernatural explanation while Scully insists science can lead them to the truth. While working their cases and hunting killers, monsters, and anything in between, they also attempt to expose a governmental coverup about the truth of extraterrestrials and survive the attempts of an underground organization that wants them silenced.

 How did you find it?

My English professor at VHCC recommended it.

 What made you like it?

The characters are so compelling and well-rounded and their dynamic is fantastic. While most episodes are intense and thriller-esque, they can also be very funny and heartwarming. My last semester of undergrad was incredibly stressful and The X-Files was my escape.

 Why recommend it?

It's considered one of the greatest shows of all time and had a huge cultural impact. (*cue X-Files theme*) In many ways, the X-Files pioneered sci-fi as we know it today. The show is experimental in its storytelling and takes fun risks. If you like crime shows, sci-fi, or just great characters, you'll like The X-Files. (Also, Mulder and Scully are the reason the fandom term "shipping" exists, so there's that.)


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Noble Blood (Podcast)

Creator and host Dana Schwartz delves into the lives of royals throughout world history, uncovering their secrets and describing tragic events and circumstances that changed their lives... and sometimes ended them.

 How did you find it?

I follow Dana on Twitter, most likely because she tweeted a literary joke once but it's been so long I don't remember.

 What made you like it?

I've always loved history and yet everything I've learned from this podcast, I had never heard before. The life of royals is often glamorized in media but this podcast highlights the ugly truth: that with great power often comes great tragedy.

 Why recommend it?

Firstly, I recommend it for the fascinating history --- either overlooked stories or popular events from a different perspective. Secondly, Dana is a wonderful host and her scripts are expertly written and delivered. Also, #justiceformarieantoinette.



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Skin by Ted Dekker

 A freak storm strands five strangers in a small town in the middle of the desert. Another danger lurks within the town: a killer bent on revenge, who insists the strangers collectively wronged him long ago. They must work together in an attempt to survive and answer the questions: why is the killer hunting them or, worse, is the killer among them?

 How did you find it?

 I have been reading Ted Dekker's books for years, beginning with the graphic novels of his Circle Trilogy.

 What made you like it?

Strangely enough, this is one of my comfort books, despite being full of mortal peril. I have read this book 4 times over 10 years and each time it's almost like reading it for the first time again (except for knowing the big twist at the end). One of my favorite aspects of this book is that the protagonists are "normal" people dealing with their own past traumas and how they have to overcome that as well as face the killer.

 Why recommend it?

Dekker is a master of psychological thrillers and this is a prime example of that. He also crafts characters that feel real, whether that means they're likable or not. Dekker is known for his themes of good versus evil while also having his characters navigate gray areas. I recommend this book but I don't recommend reading it late at night. (I made that mistake the first time I read it.)


Stay tuned for more recommendations in future posts!

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