ASA uses parenthetical in-text citations. If the Author is mentioned in the sentence the publication year can end in parentheses (Year). If the author's name is not in the text this will be included with the year in the parentheses (Author Year). If you are using a quote you should include the page or page range following a colon after the year (Author Year:page/range).
Up to 10 authors are included in the citation. For instances when there are more than 10 authors, list the first seven with et al.
Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, and, Firstname Lastname.
Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, et al.
The references list should have "References" listed at the top of the first page. Everything you cite should be in the references list and in alphabetical order. The list should be double spaced and use hanging indentations.
Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname, and Firstname Lastname. Year. Name of publication. Location of Publisher: Publisher’s Name.
InDOGnito, Bonny. 2021. Total Campus Domination in Three Easy Steps. Emory, VA: E&H Alumni.
Book (Electronic)
Lastname, Firstname. Year. Title of the Book. Place of Publication: Publisher. URL
Lastname, Firstname. Year. Title of the Book. Place of Publication: Publisher. Device or app used.
InDOGnito, Bonny. 2021. Total Campus Domination in Three Easy Steps. Emory, VA: E&H Alumni. EPUB.
Book Chapter
Lastname, Firstname. Year. "Title of Chapter." Pp. ##-## in Title of Book, edited by First/MiddleInitial. Lastname, First/MiddleInitial. Lastname, First/MiddleInitial. Lastname. Place of Publication: Publisher.
InDOGnito, Bonny. 2021. "Judgemental Glances." Pp. 212-254 in Total Campus Domination in Three Easy Steps, edited by J. Bean. Emory, VA: E&H Alumni.
Journal Article
Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname, and Firstname Lastname. Year. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal vol## (iss##): page-range.
Bean, Jelly. 2005. “The Affect of “The Flop” on Heart Rates in Humans.” Journal of Rabbit-Human Interactions 34(3):17-56.
Journal Article (Electronic)
Lastname, Firstname. Year. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Journal vol##(iss##):page-range. DOI.
Bean, Jelly. 2005. “The Affect of “The Flop” on Heart Rates in Humans.” Journal of Rabbit-Human Interactions 34(3):17-56. doifloof:10.12345.
News Article (Print)
Lastname, Firstname. Year. “Title of the article.” Newspaper Title, Month Date. Page(s).
Escapeartiste. Abby. 2021. "Fire Wizard Steals Rain from Marion." Southwest Virginia Weather & News, July 15. A1.
News Article (Online)
Lastname, Firstname. Year. “Title of the article.” Newspaper Title, Month Date. URL.
Escapeartiste. Abby. 2021. "Fire Wizard Steals Rain from Marion." Southwest Virginia Weather & News, July 15.
Organization. Year. “Title of Webpage.” URL.
Association of Homework Helpers. 2012. "Homework Helpers of the Year, Gracie and Brownie."
Magazine print
Lastname, Firstname. Year. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Magazine, vol(iss):page-range.
Pristine, Luna. 2021. “The best feline fur routine for playing with pups and kids.” Cat Standards, 77(4):12-22.
Magazine online
Lastname, Firstname. Year. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Magazine, Month Date. URL
Pristine, Luna. 2021. “The best cat fur routine for playing with pups and kids.” Cat Standards, March 21.
Social Media
Lastname, Firstname. (@screenname). Year. “Quote up to 160 characters.” SM Type, Month date, year. URL.
Die Wütende Katze, SchrÓ§dinger. (@theangrycat). 2021. “To be or not to be, actually is the question, sort of.” Twitter, August 25, 2021. 12:05 p.m. htt9s://
Lastname, Firstname. Year. “Title of the blog post.” Title of the Blog, blog, Organization, Month date, year. URL.
Tortie, Sammie. 2021. “How to set expectations and maintain within your family.” Tortitude, blog, Cat Standards, January 1, 2021. www.catstandards.c0m/tortitudeblog.
Lastname, Firstname. Year. “Title of the episode.” Title of the Show. Aired Month Date. Format, URL.
Plump, Sylvester, dir. “Ways to make fails look good.” Buster the Unathletic Parkour Cat. Season 2, episode 3, “Ways to make fails look good.” October 19. Video, 7:56. h77ps://